Crisis organisations

If you're feeling suicidal or are in crisis, there are people you can talk to. See here for organisations that can help

Speak to somebody you trust or contact a service which can offer you support. If you think that somebody that you know might be suicidal – ask them.

Sussex Mental Healthline: 0800 0309 500. Lines are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The Samaritans: 116 123 offer 24-hour confidential emotional support for anyone in a crisis. This number is free from both landlines and mobiles. See the Samaritans website.

You can contact your GP or call the NHS 111 number to access specialist mental health telephone or face-to-face support. If you are known to mental health services and need urgent mental health support, you can contact your care co-ordinator.

Accident and emergency departments are a place you can go if you are in crisis.

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