Our fundraising standards promise

We are members of the Fundraising Regulator and we will ensure our fundraising is ethical, open and responsible

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Our fundraising standards

We provide all our services to the community free of charge. As an independent charity (affiliated to national Mind but not funded by them), West Sussex Mind is responsible for raising enough income for these activities to continue.

We receive payments to provide statutory mental health services on behalf of national bodies. However much of our very important work – including our activities with older people and families and our anti-stigma projects – is 100% reliant on our own fundraising. Some of this is achieved by successfully applying for grants but without charity events, one-off donations, sponsorships, gifts and the tireless work of our enthusiastic supporters and volunteers, many of our services would not run.

We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator and our fundraising activities adhere to the Regulator’s Code of Practice.

The Code can be read in full here https://www.fundraisingregulator.org.uk/code but below we cover some of the areas we are asked about most often:

  • We never share any details of our supporters.
  • We don’t exchange or discuss donor lists with other charities.
  • All our communications with supporters clearly offer the opportunity to easily opt out of future contact.
  • We do not use the telephone to ‘cold call’ our supporters.
  • If we plan to telephone a supporter and ask for donations, we will send a pre-call letter or email offering the chance to opt out of telephone calls.
  • We are especially careful and sensitive when engaging with vulnerable people, the elderly or those affected by illness and mental health issues.

Please contact us if you have a question about these issues. If you wish to stop or adjust the frequency or type of communications you receive from West Sussex Mind, you can call us on 01903 277000 or email us at communications@westsussexmind.org.

If you would like to make a complaint, raise a concern or provide feedback about any aspect of our fundraising activity you can download a complaints form here or email us at info@westsussexmind.org.

We could not run our services without your help. Thank you.

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