Opportunities for involvement

There are a whole host of ways in which you can get involved with our work – from joining a service user forum and volunteering, to offering peer support to others and sharing your story. How will you get involved?

Join a service user forum

Service user forums are one of the most important ways we get feedback from people who use our services – to help us shape what we offer and change things where necessary. The meetings are in person and generally last for an hour.

There are service user forums for each for our support hubs – in Worthing, Littlehampton, Southwick and Midhurst – where people in those areas meet to discuss specific issues, for example, important policy changes, and to give general feedback about our support and social activities. A service user representative leads the meetings and West Sussex Mind staff attend.

The forums help us consult with you on specific issues, determine what is and isn’t working, and adapt accordingly. A good recent example of where we made changes in response to feedback is in Worthing, where people told us that they sometimes find it hard to attend social activity groups during working hours and so we introduced a new weekly get together in the evening.

Service user forums are your opportunity to put forward your ideas and help us design services that meet your needs. Please get involved and support them.

Note that there isn't a service user forum in Chanctonbury currently. But as we develop our offer in the rural communities, there will be various opportunities to feed back through individual community groups.

If you're interested in joining one of our service user forums, please email Leanne.challen@westsussexmind.org

Become a peer volunteer

When you feel ready, and after discussion with your recovery worker, you may want to offer peer support to others as part of your own recovery journey. Becoming a peer volunteer, using your lived experience of mental health, is a great way for you to develop your skills and bring empathy and hope to others. There's an opportunity to do a six- to eight-week training course to prepare you as a peer volunteer.

To find out more, speak to your recovery worker or contact the volunteering team at volunteering@westsussexmind.org

Other opportunities

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