Cost of living successes

April 2024

Our cost of living project offers phone-based support and group sessions for people who are finding it difficult to make ends meet. Here's a brief round-up of some recent successes where, with the help of other organisations, we've made a significant impact to improve people's lives

New flooring for single parent in need

Our cost of living support worker, Laura, was able to help a single parent with two children, who had been living with a cold concrete kitchen floor for some time due to a mice infestation.

Laura liaised with Adur East Lions Club who said they sometimes provide low-cost flooring options to people in need using a local flooring company.

The flooring company visited the service user at home and gave them a quote for new flooring, which was then passed on to Adur East Lions. The quote was approved and the parent was overjoyed to discover that new kitchen flooring would be fitted courtesy of the club. Thank you so much for your help, Adur East Lions Club!

New food grant for Littlehampton service users

West Sussex Mind has been awarded a £1,200 grant from the Arun and Chichester Food Partnership, which will enable our cost of living project to offer much needed dry food goods and toilet roll to service users who visit our Littlehampton support hub.

We are now able to purchase food items for our service users, who are most in need, also ensuring that those with allergies and intolerances are catered for.

Laura, our cost of living support worker, said: "We are beyond delighted to be able to offer much-needed food support to our most vulnerable service users, who have struggled to access the food they need. It's particularly amazing to be able to cater for people with food allergies, as this is an area that is sometimes overlooked."

The mini food project in Littlehampton will be available from early May 2024.

"We are beyond delighted to be able to offer much-needed food support to our most vulnerable service users, who have struggled to access the food they need. It's particularly amazing to be able to cater for people with food allergies, as this is an area that is sometimes overlooked."

Laura Neilson, cost of living support worker

Photo of our cost of living support worker in front of her computer

Portuguese service user gets invaluable housing support with the aid of our translation service

We recently supported a Portuguese service user who was very stressed and anxious, because she was facing eviction. She was also trying to work full time with no family support here in the UK.

Our cost of living support worker, Laura, worked with a translator on two occasions to support her with housing advice and also to help her receive some free food. Laura also helped her apply for the Household Support Fund and continued to support her with food bank referrals and to reengage with Citizens Advice. The service user had struggled to get the housing support she needed and having access to West Sussex Mind's language line translation service was crucial in getting her support so that she didn't lose her home.

Laura contacted the Portuguese woman again recently to offer her some extra supermarket vouchers. However, she said that she didn't need the vouchers and that, with our help and that of a friend, she had now secured a new more affordable home through Worthing Homes. She was delighted with this news.

The service user said: "West Sussex Mind has been such a big support to me, because you never forgot about me. Thank you for seeing me and supporting me."

If you are already getting support with West Sussex Mind, you can get help from our cost of living workers. Cost of living support is open to adults over 18 years of age and we have also helped parents of children and young people getting support with us. We are able to contribute some travel costs towards cost of living appointments, so please speak to your support worker for more information.