Emotional resilience for reception and contact point staff

In these challenging times, it's vital we develop the resilience of frontline staff who may be dealing with people experiencing high levels of anxiety, stress or anger

Reception and contact point staff are the frontline of your business or organisation and may often face challenging situations. This training will help them cope with the negative effects of stress and avoid mental health problems.

This two-hour workshop will help your team talk to people experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety, people contemplating suicide, who may be self-harming or facing other crises.

The skills are useful in face-to-face circumstances and over the phone or online. You will also discover tools to support your own resilience. Through this workshop, you will:

• learn about our emotional needs and resources

• learn how to stay clear-headed and maintain self-control when faced with someone who is angry, stressed or distressed

• understand effective communication skills to use with distressed people

• improve confidence and morale

• practice some simple tools to support your own well-being.

• be better able to support team members facing difficult situations.

This workshop is £450 for 50 people.

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