What do trustees do?
We make up the management committee that runs the charity. Our job is to appoint the right staff, decide the policies and finances, and make sure we deliver the services that we’ve been set up to provide.
Trustees attend regular Board meetings - about eight a year - and a couple of half day workshops to deal with bigger issues. We also meet occasionally with staff and people who use our services to see how things are going. So being a trustee takes about seven hours a month.
As a Board, our job is to give leadership, direction and support to our managers in running an effective organisation.
What do we look for in new trustees?
We come from a variety of backgrounds and life experiences. The one thing we all have in common is a commitment to making things better for people with mental health issues.
You don’t need a particular set of skills and experience – we have a wide range of backgrounds.
We provide new trustees with a support package for their first year including an experienced member of the Board as a 'buddy' to help them through the early months. There’s also plenty of information and relevant learning, some face to face, some online.